
Those who serve the Lord's church as elders have a tremendous responsibility. When Paul spoke to the Ephesian elders he highlighted this very point saying “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts 20:28). The responsibility of shepherding the church of God is crucially important and certainly not a responsibility that is trusted to everyone. The Lord has made known who He trusts to oversee His church. Passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 list the qualifications the Lord has given. This congregation is blessed with four godly men who serve as elders. 

  • David Sexton - ELDER

    David and Carolyn have been at NW for over 40 years.
    They have two children, five grandchildren, and one great grandchild. David’s professional experience covers many areas but he is currently self employed with two separate businesses: a lawn and tree service and a Mailing Service. David is a tremendous blessing to the NW congregation and his love for the Lord is contagious. 

  • Josh Mallow - ELDER

    Josh is married to Lainie and they have three children: Haylee, Harper, and Hunter. Josh is employed by the Department of Veteran's Affairs as a pharmacist. He is a board member for camp LuJo KISMIF and co-directs the Fall Focus retreat at camp LuJo. He enjoys ATVs, hunting, shooting, and doing just about anything with his family.

  • Mark Boykin- Elder

    Jon Mark Boykin serves this congregation as an elder. He and his wife Sondra have been members of Northwest for 24 years. Mark was a deacon for 16 of those years. He and Sondra have one son Brice. Mark is an insurance agent and in his free time enjoys reading and writing. This congregation is blessed to have Mark as one of our elders. 

  • Trace Kirkpatrick - Elder

    Trace Kirkpatrick has been a member of Northwest since 2008 and has served as a deacon from 2020-2024. He has been an elder at Northwest since January 2025.  Trace is married to Sarah and has three active boys; Nathan, Wade, and Archer.  They live in the Elgin area.  He and Sarah are both practicing veterinarians at a local clinic serving the healthcare needs of farm and companion animals.  Trace enjoys keeping up with his sons’ athletics, FFA projects, and band performances.  Trace is involved with many areas of work at Northwest and is always willing to lend a helping hand.